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Waste Management Services

Port Galley Waste Removal


MIB provides a port galley waste collection service to the Port of Durban. Services include dry waste collection for both ships and harbour facilities and we operate a fleet of road tankers to transport aqueous, oily, and hazardous wastes. Safety and environmental protection are key to our operation and we adhere to the latest legislation and codes of practice.

Warehouse Waste Removal

Every business generates waste, our goal is to deliver
an efficient and effective service that meets your needs
thereby allowing you to focus on your core business.
MIB will responsibly manage your warehouse waste at
competitive rates. We will expertly classify, collect and
remove all waste. We own and operate a fleet of waste
handling equipment and vehicles.

Contaminated Soil Removal

MIB will extract and treat any non-hazardous and
hazardous contaminated soil for recycling off-site. We
offer a turnkey solution from soil testing to the disposal
of contaminated materials. Our experts will identify the
most suitable land treatment technique for your site
which may include excavation, hand picking, screening
and soil washing of contaminated soil. Our team ensures
your site is not further delayed.

Canal & Open Culvert Vegetation Removal

Strategically placed culverts help alleviate flooding,
reduce erosion and help distribute run off water to larger
filtering areas. Canals can quickly become overgrown
with plants resulting in disuse. It is vital to regularly
maintain canals and culverts to ensure their efficiency.
We are specialists in cleaning, unblocking and servicing
canals and culverts. Our dedicated team and specialist
equipment can resolve the most complicated issues in
complex drainage systems.

Waste Management
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